GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo
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GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo
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  • Terminal Facilities
  • Export Warehouse
  • Export Pharma Zone
  • Import Warehouse
  • Domestic Warehouse
Terminal Facilities:
Terminal administration building is spread over an area of 3374 Sq. Mts. and provides office space for
   Airlines, Customs, Bank and DACAAI (Domestic Air Cargo Agents Association of India) operations staff.
Terminal Warehouse covers an area of 11,000 Sq. Mts. with annual handling capacity of over 1, 50,000 MT
Dedicated Warehouse for Exports, Imports, Domestic Outbound & Domestic Inbound
Dedicated Temperature Controlled Warehouse for storage and handling of Export Pharmaceuticals
Dedicated Bank Facility
   Contact Number: 040- 24004000, Fax Number: 040-24004001
   Email Address:, Website:

Public & Staff canteen facility
  Timings: 08:00 Hrs to 22:00 Hrs

Cargo Satellite Building adjacent to the terminal building provides office space for regulatory authorities
  (Animal Quarantine, Plant Quarantine & Drug Control Authorities) and office/warehouse space for Freight
  Enquiries for space, please contact on 040-66764500
3 dedicated aircraft parking bays for Freighter Operations
Vehicle parking facility with separate parking lots for cargo trucks and public vehicles

Plug in facility for Reefer Trucks in the parking area
   Plug in facility for reefer Vehicles
24/7 surveillance through out the terminal with CCTV Cameras
Separate area earmarked for storage of airline ULD’s
Terminal Capacity Details:
Cargo Terminal - Annual Throughput Capacity
Category Area (Sq Mt) Capacity(in tons)
Export Warehouse 3000 38000
Import Warehouse 3600 45000
Export Pharma Zone 1400 30000
Domestic Warehouse 3000 37000
Total 11000 150000
Capacity Details – Key Facilities
Facility Dangerous Goods Cold Storage Transshipment
Export Import Domestic Export – Pharma Zone Export – Other Perishables Import Domestic International
Volume (Cu. Mts.) 55 45 25 - 300 220 38 235
Capacity (Tons) 6 5 2.5 200 30 25 5 26
Capacity Details – Cold Storage Units
Exports temperature controlled facility for Perishable cargo other than Pharma products
Category Volume (Cu Mt) Capacity Temperature range
(in tons) (degrees Celsius)
Chamber 1 136 14 +15 to +25/+2 to + 8
Chamber 2 100 10 +15 to +25/+2 to  +8
Chamber 3 60 6 +15 to +25/+2 to +8
Export Pharma Zone - Dedicated Temperature Controlled facility for Pharmaceuticals
Category Area
(Sq Mts)
Capacity Temperature range
(Degrees Celsius)
Non – Bonded Area
Truck Dock 120 - +15 to +25
Customs Inspection Area 736 20 - 32 tons +15 to +25
Racking System (In examination area) 50 38 - 60 tons +15 to +25
Cold Storage (250 50 24 - 34 tons +2 to +8
Bonded Area
Ambient storage - (For build up ULD's) 342 36 - 54 tons +15 to +25
Cold  Storage - (For build up ULD's) 102 12 - 20 tons +2 to +8
Total 1400 130 - 200 tons
Import Cold Rooms
Category Volume (Cu Mt) Capacity
(in tons)
Temperature range (Degrees Celsius)
Chamber 1 79 7 +2 to +25
Chamber 2 120 13 +2 to +25
Chamber 3 50 7 0 to -20
Export Warehouse (General Cargo):
Non-Bonded Area-
Acceptance truck docks – 12
Dock Levellers – 01
Office space for Customs Officials
Customs Examination area
Office space for GHACLPL operations team
Floor level Calibrated Weighment Scales
Area earmarked for storage of dangerous goods
X-Ray machines
CCTV Surveillance
Bonded Area-
Strong Room & Vulnerable cargo storage area with Biometric Access
Dangerous Goods Storage Room
Separate enclosure for storage of airline material
Cold Rooms: +15 to +25 & +2 to +8 degrees for Cargo other than Pharma products
Automated Lift & Run system
02 Work Stations – For ULD build up & Weighment
Storage Locations for Build up ULD’s
12 dedicated Plug in points for Cool Containers
Work space for GHACLPL operations team
CCTV Surveillance
Export Pharma Zone:
Non-Bonded Area-
05 dedicated truck docks with automated doors
02 Truck Dock Levellers
Acceptance of cargo under temperature control (+15 to +25 degrees Celsius)
2 Floor level calibrated Weighment scales
Racking system
Spacious Examination Area under temperature control (+15 to + 25 degrees Celsius)
Area earmarked for Storage of Dangerous goods and small packages
Dedicated room for cold storage products under temperature control (+ 2 to +8 degrees Celsius)
Temperature display & recording with Data Loggers (Both Inside Temperature & Ambient Temperature)
CCTV surveillance
SMS & Alarm alerts to track temperature excursions
Bonded Area-
Separate +15 to +25 degrees Celsius and +2 to +8 degrees Celsius chambers for storage of build up ULD’s
Ball matting floor for easy movement / handling of ULD’s and maximum container flexibility
CCTV surveillance
Temperature recording & display
Alert Systems to track temperature excursions
Import Warehouse:
Bonded Area-
Storage Locations for ULD’s subjected for breakdown
Lift & Run work stations for break down of ULD’s
Floor level Calibrated Weighment scale
Transshipment cargo storage area
Strong Room & Vulnerable cargo storage area with Biometric Access
Dangerous goods storage room
Separate enclosure for storage of un-accompanied baggage(UB)
Cold Rooms: + 15 to + 25 degrees Celsius, +2 to +8 degrees Celsius and 0 to -20 degrees Celsius
Live animal storage room
Multi Level Racking system
Plug in facility for cool containers
CCTV Surveillance
Non-Bonded Area-
Office area for Customs Officials
Exclusive office area for Customs Authorities for Unaccompanied Baggage processing
Area for customs examination
Waiting room for Unaccompanied Baggage passengers
Dedicated counters for issuing of examination tickets and release of cargo
CCTV Surveillance
Delivery truck docks - 05
Domestic Warehouse:
Domestic Inbound Truck Dock   Domestic Outbound Truck Dock    
  Domestic Warehouse
07 truck docs for acceptance and delivery
Dedicated counter to deal with PDA transactions and issue of Vehicle control tickets for inbound

Separate counters for Release of cargo
Office space for GHACLPL Operations team
Separate enclosure for storage of Dangerous goods
Strong room & Storage area for Vulnerable cargo with Biometric Access
Dedicated weighing scales for Domestic Outbound area
Dedicated X-Ray machines for Domestic Cargo.
Airline counters
Cold Room: +2 to +8 degrees Celsius