GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and Logistics Pvt Ltd
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Export Handling Procedures
Step 1
GACAEL receives Customs shipping bill message & Refer AWB copy, Annexure C/Manual SB capture data
CHA approaches VCT generation team - placed at main cargo reception for offloading job order (VCT)
This team collects TSP (Terminal Storage & Processing) charges, raise export cargo offloading job order    (VCT- Vehicle Control Ticket) and issue to CHA (Customs House Agent)
As soon as VCT generated, HERMES assigns a token number to that vehicle. This token number will be directed   to HERMES call forwarding system. Call forwarding system assign the appropriate door and maintains vehicle   queue
Step 2
CHA instructs for placing the vehicle at Truck Dock according to the token /turn displayed on call forwarding    board
Warehouse coordinator receives & scans VCT to retrieve VCT information in his handheld
Cargo will be offloaded, reconciliation takes place between declared and arrived weight, Pcs & commodity.    Discrepancy will be updated in the system and applicable charges will be collected. (For wrong declaration    penalty charges will be levied)
As soon as cargo offloaded into the warehouse HERMES triggers cargo arrival message to Customs and Airlines
Step 3
Total consignment will be unloaded and placed in non sterile area. After customs examination, Leo issued cargo    will undergo x-ray screening and moved into sterile area
The shipments which are ready for ULD building after X-Ray screening will be planned for ULD build up by our    supervisors based on the airlines load plan.
After building pallets ULD's will be sent to lift and run system for storage
Depending on the flight Standard time of departure ground handling agent approaches us and accordingly ULD's    will be released from lift and run system and same will be updated in Hermes