GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and Logistics Pvt Ltd
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Export of Perishable Cargo
Approach the Airline for collecting the carting order.
File the shipping bill with customs for export of Perishable cargo.
In case of envirotainer shipments the agent sends a prior intimation to the customs, GACAEL duty managers and    security officials regarding pre-cooling of containers and obtains permission to fill DRY ICE.
Approach the GACAEL counters for collecting the VCT for unloading the cargo.
Approach the customs to obtain special permission for screening and moving the cargo to cold room immediately    after examination.
Handover the VCT to the warehouse staff for unloading the cargo from the truck.
Warehouse coordinator unloads the perishable cargo on priority, screens & moves cargo to cold room
On the basis of examination Customs will issue LET EXPORT ORDER.
Cargo which is customs cleared will be built according to the Load plan given by the Airline and Manifest is    generated.
GHA will collect the cargo as required for connecting the flight
Once flight departs FFM will be sent to the airline