International Express/Courier
1. Exports
Facilitation Fees (Rate/kg)
2. Imports
Facilitation Fees (Rate/kg)
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
0-3 Days
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
4-5 Days
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
6-10 Days
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
11-20 Days
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
21-30 Days
3. Detention/ Demurrage Fees
From 31st Day
(1) Consignments of Human Remains, Coffins including Unaccompanied Baggage of the
deceased and Human Eyes will be exempted from the purview of the Facilitation and
Demurrage charges.
(2) Charges will be levied on the "gross weight" or the "chargeable weight" of the
consignment whichever is higher. Wherever the "gross weight and/ or volume weight is
wrongly indicated on the Airway Bill and is actually found more, charges will be levied on the
'actual gross weight or 'actual volumetric weight' or 'chargeable weight' whichever is higher.
(3) All bills will be rounded off to the next INR 5 as per rules.
(4) Back to town charges are at 100 % of all applicable charges including Facilitation Fee.
(5) All charges above are excluding GST which shall be levied at prevailing rates.
(6) The tariff charged will be applicable as per the tariff prevailing at the time of invoicing.
per kg Rate (Rs)
Rs 3.17 per Kg per day for the fourth and fifth day or Rs 42 whichever is higher
Rs 3.17 per Kg per day counted from actual time of arrival of flight (ATA) or Rs 42 whichever is higher
Rs 4.75 per Kg per day counted from actual time of arrival of flight (ATA) or Rs 42 whichever is higher
Rs 7.13 per Kg per day counted from actual time of arrival of flight (ATA) or Rs 42 whichever is higher
Rs 9.5 per Kg per day counted from actual time of arrival of flight (ATA) or Rs 42 whichever is higher
Notes continued...
(7) Unitization/Deunitization charges for the services provided in the main Cargo Terminal will be
charged as per the applicable AERA approved Tariffs.
(8) For the purpose of charging, the weight will be rounded up to the nearest kg.
(9) For both Export and Import, the Detention/Demurrage charges to be charged on HAWB. The time
period shall be till the time of generation of Release Note.
(10) For both Export and Import, Facilitation Fees to be charged on MAWB.
(11) Each 24 hrs. cycle will be taken as 01 day, and any part thereof will be counted as one full day.