Events |
TSRTC- Air Cargo Bus Feeder Service
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and TSRTC are jointly promoting an International Export and Import Cargo First
Mile and Last Mile Bus Feeder Service to and from GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo Terminal to other parts of
Telangana and Neighbouring States for the International Exports and Import of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines,
Aerospace, Engineering Goods, Fruits & Vegetables etc. to and from Southern India.
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo Flags off their First Cool Dolly Shipment
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) flagged off its first Cool Dolly Temp Controlled shipment on Emirates Carrying Dr. Reddy s Laboratories Pharma Export cargo. Chief Guest Sri. J S Chandrashekar, Principal Commissioner of Customs & Guest of Honor Dr. Ravi Prakash Mathur, VP-Head Global Logistics & Supply Chain Excellence flagged-off the Cool Dolly.
FTCCI Inaugurates Facilitation Center at GMR HYD Air Cargo
Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTCCI) have begun operations of their Business Facilitation Centre from September 2020 onwards at GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo Terminal.
Now the exporters and cargo agents can get the Certificate of Origin right at the GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo Terminal thus saving precious travel time. The center will also offer Visa Recommender Letters for Overseas Travel for Business Promotion.
Mr. J.S Chandrasekhar, Principal Commissioner of Customs, inaugurated the Centre along with Mr. Saurabh Kumar, CEO, GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo, and Mr. Ramakanth Inani, President FTCCI.
First look of Cool Dolly Unveiled during GMR Cargo Webinar
GMR Hyderabad International Airport has ramped up its cargo capabilities by introducing a unique Multi ULD (Unit Load Device) Cool Dolly to maintain an unbroken cold chain for Time and Temperature Sensitive (TSS) shipments such as Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Perishables.
The Multi ULD Cool Dolly at GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo was virtually launched in July 2020 by Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Senior Economic Advisor, Ministry of Civil Aviation, during the third Webinar on Air Cargo-Changing Dimensions organized by GMR Group as part of its ongoing webinar series on Reposing the faith in flying.
The Ahmedabad Pharma Shippers Meet Organized by GMR Cargo
Pharma Shipper Meet was organized by GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) at Ahmedabad on 7th Feb 2020 with participation from the local Pharma Exporters, Freight Forwarders, Airlines and other Stakeholders. The Ahmedabad Pharma Shippers Meet 2020 was attended by more than 50 guests. |
Vizag Marine Shippers Meet 2020
The Marine Shipper Meet was organized by GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) at Vizag on 20th Jan 2020 with the local Marine exporters and other stakeholders. The Marine Shippers Meet saw more than 60 guests from across the region. |
Domestic Agents Meet
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) organized a Domestic Agents Meet at Hyderabad on 29th November 2019, which was attended by major domestic trade members. |
GHACLaunched Hyderabad Cargo Charter Circle (HC3)
GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo (GHAC) on Oct 9th 2019, launched "Hyderabad Cargo Charter Circle (HC3)" - a dedicated platform in India for facilitating the Cargo Charter Operators via Hyderabad Air Cargo Terminal.
GMR Hyderabad Airport Cargo has taken a strategic step to develop Hyderabad as an Air Charter Hub for the South and boost the regional direct connectivity and link it to the main hubs across the globe.
Safety week celebration 14th April to 20th April 2018
Air Cargo India Exhibition & Conference Mumbai in Feb 2018
GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. & GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and Logistics Terminal sponsored a stall at - Air Cargo India Conference & Exhibition held by Stat Times Media in Grand Hyatt, Mumbai in Feb 2018. |
Domestic Agents - Meet at Hyderabad in Dec 2017 |
GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. & GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and Logistics Terminal organised a Domestic Agents - Meet at Hyderabad on Dec 2017 which was attended by major domestic trade members. |
Medical Check-up Camp on 5th December 2017 |
GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. & GMR Hyderabad Air Cargo and Logistics Terminal organised a Domestic Agents - Meet at Hyderabad on Dec 2017 which was attended by major domestic trade members. |
Cricket Tournament in November 2017 |
Saturday 11th November saw the inaugural Cricket Match hosted by GHACLPL at the KLR grounds, Balapur and the day commenced at 1pm with teams from ACCAI & CHA and GHACLPL, who were competing for the prestigious softball cricket trophy.
Team Met Director & CEO of GHACLPL with the Trophy.
Marine Shipper Meet, Bhimavaram on 15th Sep 2017 |
Marine Shipper meet organised by GHACLPL at Bhimavaram on 15th September-17 with the local Marine exporters |
BCAPS Awareness Program on 10th Feb 2017
Training for 1st batch of Basic Cargo Awareness Program Inaugurated by Dr.Renu Singh Parmar, Sr Advisor MOCA on 10th Feb 2017 with 86 participants from Airline Frieght Forwarders & Custom Brokers. |
VTZ-HYD CBT AFS Launch on 8th Dec 2016 |
Visakhapatnam- Hyderabad Custom Bonded Trucking Air Freight Station Launch on 8th Dec 2016 inaugurated by Mr. B Hareram, IRS Commissioner of Customs. |
Fire Safety Week Celebration on April 14th 2016 |
Safety week celebration 4th March 2016 |
Medical Check-up Camp on 4th February 2016 |
Flying Car- Mar 2016 |
Cricket Tournament: Saturday 17th December saw the inaugural Cricket Match hosted by GHACLPL at the Sports Coaching Foundation (Cha Cha Nehru cricket ground) and the day commenced at 1pm with teams from ACCAI ,BAR, CHA and GHACLPL, who were competing for the prestigious softball cricket trophy.
It was a limited over's match with a hard fought final between Board of Airlines (BAR) and GHACLPL , with GHACLPL, winning the finals with 05 balls to spare. The day concluded around 6pm with the teams and spectators having enjoyed lunch and afternoon tea. The trophy's were presented to the winners and runners up by CEO GHACLPL.
The industry looked most favorably on the event and requested it to become an annual feature in the air cargo calendar.
On behalf of the GHACLPL team we would like to thank all those who attended and also the spectators for their wonderful support to the players. |
Photos |
Fying Cars: For the first time in the history of Hyderabad cargo terminal, two cars Mahindra-Xylo & Toyota-Innova were exported to cologne on Lufthansa freighter loaded on 16ft pallets. It was a great moment for all of us and its time to see more cars flying out of hyderabad.
